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Miért buknak el a nyugati anti-radikalizációs programok?

  Izraeli Kulturális Intézet Paulay Ede utca 1
Budapest, 1061 Magyarország

A magyar változatért görgess lejjebb

The lecture by Uriya Shavit that examines the main anti-violent radicalization programs in Europe, analyses their limitations,
and introduces a number of policy proposals.

Uriya Shavit is an associate professor in Islamic studies and head of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Graducate Program in Religious Studies at Tel Aviv University. He specializes in the study of modern Islamic theology and law, Muslim radicalization, and the sociology of Muslim minorities in the
West. He is the author of nine academic books and several dozen articles in these fields. His recent projects include a study on why Western antiradicalization programs fail, on Islam in Iceland, and on Muslim football players in the West.

Attendance is free, but pre-registration is required at


Uriya Shavit előadása az anti-radikalizációs programokról Európában, azok jelenlegi korlátairól és új szabályozási lehetőségek felvázolásáról.

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